Saturday, August 23, 2008

What A Day!!!

It is late, I am tired....but I had to post.

We are on our way to becoming Minnesota homeowners. Yep, that's right. I guess we are here to stay (not that leaving was an actual option). As of 9:20pm we accepted the 2nd counter offer, from the homeowners, of the house that we (I) fell in love with.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the kids and I went house hunting yesterday? Did I also forget to mention that houses are moving at an unreal fast rate here? To give you an idea, the first house I liked (the whole saga before we went on our much needed trip to NC) sold in less than a week. Two of the houses that we were to see yesterday sold before we could see less than a week. The house we offered on had been on the market 20 days, but only a week at the greatly reduced price. Seeing the whole week trend, we jumped and jumped fast. Tomorrow they were going to have an open house (flashes of what happened to the first house played through my mind when I heard this), but no need now.

You think that is fast, it gets faster. Inspection on Wednesday, fly to GA around Sept 11th, close the 15th, move in before our Disney trip the last week in September. Whew, I am pleasantly exhausted just thinking out it.

The best part.....getting to tell the kids when they wake up that we are REALLY moving to a house. Yes, Maddie dear you get your bed and yes Sam, you get your GeoTrax.

To top it off, we went to the Minnesota State Fair this morning. It was incredible. But, more to come on that when I have time to post all the pictures. Let's just say (for those of you in NC, the good ol' Dixie Classic doesn't hold a, scratch that, doesn't hold a match flame to this one).

So good night all those in the south, who are sleeping by now......I'll see you in ATL really really soon!!


Ellen and John said...

Woo Hoo! I am so happy for ya'll. We can't wait to see pictures of the new house. Please let us know when ya'll are in Atlanta. Molly would love to see Maddie.


Trisha said...

This is awesome news! Any chance we will get to see you when you are in town? (I know you guys will be very busy!)