Monday, June 28, 2010

Trip to North Carolina June 2010

Maddie, Sam, Jackson and Mommy went to North Carolina for a week. It was Jackson's first trip south and his first trip on an airplane. As always, all kids did GREAT traveling. We had a wonderful time swimming at Great Granddaddy's, riding horses, going to the lake and playing with cousins at Papa and Grandma's. We are counting down the days till our trip on July! Enjoy the pictures!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Slideshow of Maddie's Kindergarten Year

While making this slide show, I realized that while MN isn't my is home to my daughter. Maddie had a wonderful school year, made tons of memories, and made lots of friends. It makes my heart happy and sad all at the same time to see how much she loves it here. This is "home" to my children and I need to remember that. Even on days when it is raining and 60 degrees in June.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jackson's 3 month Pictures

Jack-Attack, you are 3 months old now. Wow, time is passing fast. You are such a good baby (when your tummy isn't hurting). You are sleeping from 8pm to 8am.....whew what a blessing that is. You are on a solid schedule now. You are eating 5 times a day and taking 2 long ( 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon) naps with 2 cat naps during the times we are out and about. Your hair is completely out of control and sticks up everywhere....but I love that it does! You are such a flirt and smile at everyone....however you save your best smiles for your sissy and brother. You love your "lion" and "cat" toys. You also love to snuggle with your bear blanket and suck on your binky. You still sleep swaddled due to the crazy arms you haven't quite gotten control over. You are wearing a size 2 diaper and have grown out of some of your 3-6 month clothes. You are such a blessing to me.....I love to rock you and smell that sweet baby smell. I love you, my sweet baby boy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Random Pictures of the Kids

My little Madelina the Ballerina

Maddie finished her first year of ballet. I can't say enough wonderful things about the program she was in, Prairie School of Dance. It is a loosely Christian based program....meaning they teach about loving themselves and others as Christ loved while teaching dance. It is a very traditional, only black leotards with pink tights, ballet program. Her teacher is awesome and Maddie learned so much. Her confidence soared this year and I accredit much of that with ballet. Maddie got up on staged and danced her heart out with a single fear.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spring Review in Pictures

The weather is finally warm enough in the now thawed tundra to venture out to the parks again.
Jackson was able to make his first trip to Lake Riley......

Maddie's Kindergarten class put on several plays. She was the character "Stephanie" in the play Stephanie's Ponytail. I was so proud of her. She didn't miss a single line and just ate it up being in front of all those people.....totally unlike her mommy and daddy who would have had a heart attack.

Uncle Nate came to visit to meet Jackson. While he was here, he took Maddie to ballet so that he could watch what she was dancing to for her recital. He also was able to go to Sam's spring program.

Uncle Nate was also able to watch Maddie's TBall game. Yes, we go from ballet to TBall on Monday evenings. What can I say, I want her to be a well rounded little girl!

We had a bit of excitement when Uncle Nate was with us.....Wade had his 5th kidney stone. This was a doozier of one. Lasted from Monday till Friday and included 2 trips to the ER. Luckily he was better by Memorial Day and was able to go to the "beach" (I cringe to call it that as it is just a sand mud spot on a lake) with the kids. Maddie and Sam loved swimming in that frigid cold water that was solid ice just a month or so ago. Jackson, Wade, and I hung out in the shade and watched.
I am fighting to keep my kids as southern as possible....however I find them becoming more and more Minnesotan as time goes by. Not only do they love to swim in frigid water, but Maddie called a "Coke" a "Pop" the other day. I just about passed daughter of mine will say "Pop" :)