Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Great Minnesota Get Together.....

Or as well call it in the south, the state fair.

It is an incredibly large fair that boasts you can find anything and everything on a stick to eat. Seriously, I saw bacon on a stick, pork chops on a stick, cheese on a stick, and Swedish eggs on a stick (are you wondering what a Swedish egg is??? I did. It is a hard boiled egg wrapped in Swedish sausage...that makes my tummy hurt to just think about).

The number of farm animals it outrageous. The kids were able to see at least 10 of every kind of duck, goose, bunny, horse, pig, cow, sheep, goat, and chicken to just name a few. There is also a "birthing barn". This is where people "make sure" that the animals will give birth during the 2 weeks (yes, you read that right the fair goes for 2 weeks here) of the fair. You can watch it happen, if you are lucky. And you can hold the babies. There was a cow in labor while we were there, but we didn't need to relive labor if you don't have too, right? Plus, let's be honest, while a cow having a calf is a beautiful thing to some (I personally found it a little icky) opens a world of questions for a four year old. And I for one, am not ready to answer those questions.
It would have been a perfect first "Get Together" had I remembered our coats. The high was 65 with a chilly wind blowing. Maddie kept saying, "Next year you will bring coats, right?" It is August, never crossed my mind that we would need jackets. Apparently I forget we aren't down south anymore.
Newborn Baby Pigs
Just born baby lambs

What's a fair without rides?

Maddie made me ride this with her. Those of you who know me well...know I hate heights. Add to the fact that this was the fastest Ferris wheel ever and you have me with knocking knees. Maddie loved it and kept saying she hoped it went faster (I was agreeing with her verbally but silently praying it wouldn't).

We discovered Sam needs some serious driving lessons before he gets his permit. He kept the wheel turned on his bumper boat so that he just went in circles the whole time. Everyone else kept bumping him and he stayed in one place going round and round.

1 comment:

Sharmaine said...

Ok. Now I'm convinced that you guys are using poor Sam for your amusement. :)