Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Frog Catch'n

Yesterday, we went with my friend Kim and her two boys to the Nature Center. Kim discovered that you can "check out" buckets complete with nets, bowls, magnifying glasses, and other creature catching necessities. The Nature Center is surrounded by several different ponds/lakes. Thus, it is a great place to creature catch.

All the kids had a great time using their little nets to catch stuff. We caught several snails shells (with and without the actual snail in them), a couple of leeches (yucky), lots of weeds, a red water mite, and several frogs. Kim is the master frog catcher. I can't even spot a frog in the mud before she has already gotten the net ready, called for someone to bring a bucket, and scooped it up.

We came home dirty and tired....but no one fell in (knock on wood). We are hoping to be able to do this again before the weather turns.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

The teacher in me wants to go on a field trip! What great pics you got, too!