Monday, July 28, 2008

We Had a Weekend.....

...and how was your weekend?

Ever just "had a weekend"? Our weekend wasn't great, nor did anything catastrophic happen. I guess you could say our weekend just was.

For Maddie, the reality and finality of Minnesota has hit home. I think she finally understands that we aren't going back to GA. The "vacation stage" (you know, the point in a vacation when you think this is nice, but I am ready to go home) is over. She wants to go home, not to this apartment home, to her real home. She wants a bed. Not just any bed (she has been napping in my bed so she doesn't have to sleep on the floor all the time), her bed. She wants her toys, her bike, her soccer ball, grass.....anything that we left behind, yep she wants it. I guess I don't blame her. I understand. I am there with her, feeling her pain. We try to make this a great fun adventure.....but even Dora gets to go home at the end of her adventures. And Maddie, well Maddie is stuck in her adventure. So if you have any time during your prayer time, or even if you don't pray regularly and want to give it a whirl, please pray for my little girl. She needs peace....peace that Mommy and Daddy can't give (though we try REALLY hard)...peace that only God can give her until she has a real home to feel secure in once more.

To help with the Minnesota blues that set in, I took Maddie shopping at the Albertville Outlets on Saturday. We had a really nice "girls only" day. We found a few fall/winter things for the kids and Maddie got to pick out a hair "doo dad" from Gymboree. Here are some pictures of her wearing it on Sunday with her "mostest favoritest dress".

Another highlight of the weekend, we went over to a friends house for dinner on Saturday night. They are a family we met through VBS. We had a great time and the kids loved playing outside in the grass (one of the many things on Maddie's list that she misses from home). Maddie also got to play with sparklers. It was her first time on such a venture and she LOVED it. They do have a magical quality to them, don't they?
Sam, is doing well. Being Sam. He is potty trained except when he is left with Daddy. He went a whole week without a single accident of any kind. That is until Maddie and I left for the day....then he had 2 in a row. Oh well...that's what happens. Good thing I had packed his bag with changes of clothes :)
Here of some pictures of Sam in his big boy underwear and very excited about it!!!

"Dum Dums" what a great bribe for going potty!!! This way Sissy gets to get on the fun as well!!

Finally, I love this picture of my little princess. She was going around with her "wand" turning everything into frogs. Sam was turned into a frog (and actually acted the part). Emma was turned into a frog and managed to barely lift an eye. Mommy was turned into a frog and happy that Maddie was happy hopped the morning away!

1 comment:

Ellen and John said...

We are saying special prayers for you Maddie and Sam. We miss you too!

Molly and Riley