Monday, July 7, 2008

Thursday Night at the Bluffs

Huh, you say I have ketchup on my head?

Ha, Ha...that's so funny...ketchup on my head.

Would you like to know how I got ketchup on my head? What was Mommy thinking leaving the plastic knife (used as a paint brush) on my plate?

Thursday was yet another "Thursday at the Bluffs". Thankfully they had hot dogs and hamburgers this time. Yes, Mommy remembered to bring drinks for the kids so I wouldn't chance yet another "drink incident". Wade was able to get home in enough time to go swimming with the kids. We even convinced Sam in get in the water for a few minutes. Here is another video of Maddie swimming. I have to remember not to turn the camera as if I were taking a picture. Sorry Sam is sideways again!!!

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