Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A little this, a little that....

Today we had a play date with a friend of Maddie's from VBS. Maddie was so excited to have a little girl to play with. Of course, little girls' houses come with wonderful things like dress up and dolls. Maddie actually cried when we left, afraid that she was going to loose another friend. Doesn't that just break your heart. I explained that this friend lived here in MN, not in GA....therefore we could see her more.

In other news......I was afraid to write this since I don't want to jinx myself (no, we didn't sell the house and no, we don't have an offer on it...I wish) but Sam only had 1 accident today. (Insert wild applause here) I am so excited, so pumped. Only 1 messy/wet Pull Up to change. Whoo Hoo!!! Funny how simple things excite me. He actually told me during swimming lessons that he needed to go. I am extremely proud of him. Proud, but not disillusioned. He is, by no means, potty trained. He could regress at any second....but at this moment, he is on his way to be potty trained.

Points we have learned potty training a boy.......

1. There is a reason for the "splash guard" on a boys potty seat. Maddie and I experienced the "hose" effect early on. For a while she was scared (and for good reason) to go into the bathroom when he was on the potty.

2. Apparently a fear of Sam's is to "loose" a part of him in the process. (see blog below for that conversation)

3. Mommy's potty dance (which will never been seen outside my bathroom) is a great motivator.

4. Boys had rather play trucks while on the potty than read books.

5. Boys can sit for hours (unproductively) on the potty if playing trucks.

6. Playing trucks on the potty will result in Mommy "fishing" for a truck at least once.

7. It is okay to wipe your feet, legs, nose, and bottom with the same piece of toilet paper (in the order I might other order)......

8. It is politically correct and encouraged by Daddies, for boys to not use toilet paper...a fact that Mommy is having a hard time grasping and had to be told.

We hope that everyone in the sunny south and else where are having a wonderful week!!! We miss all our friends and family!!!
Thought I would leave you with yet another "Sam on the Potty" conversation.....

Mommy: Listen, Sam, do you hear pee-pee (yes I realize that I say the same thing over and over to Sam on the potty)

(very quiet with Sam straining to listen....Sam then passes gas..for lack of better words )

Sam: (laughing) Me's doe pop

Mommy: (trying not to laugh) you did what?

Sam: (said as if I didn't understand English) Meee's dooe pop. Me's doe pop...yike baboon (translation, I went pop. I went pop like a balloon)

Mommy: (snickering out loud) Oh, good boy.

Sam: Mommy doe pop'ance? (translation: Mommy do a "pop" dance- since I do other potty dances)

Mommy: (having all sorts of visions of dances that would equal a "pop" dance) Oh, no buddy...I don't dance for pops!

Well at least not yet....who knows what all Mommy will dance for to get her son to go potty

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