Monday, June 30, 2008

Familiar Faces

This weekend our good friends Barbara and Alex Taylor came for a visit. It was so nice to see familiar southern faces. The kids had so much fun playing with Alex and I had a great time chatting and catching up with Barbara. Here is a review of our busy weekend.

Saturday Morning:

Alex stayed with us while Barbara went to a baby shower for her friend Steph near here. We took the kids swimming at the hotel the Taylors' were staying at. True to Minnesota weather, it was chilly and cloudy on the day we had planned to take the kiddos to the "beach".

Saturday Evening:

After the kids got up from their naps, we took them and Barbara to the Mall of America. The kids were able to ride some of the rides at Nickelodeon Universe and we ate supper at the Rainforest Cafe. Apparently this has now become Maddie's "most favorite" place to eat. Wade took Sam home at bed time and the girls stayed out riding rides and playing until after 10 pm. It was so much fun!!!

Sunday Morning:

Before we had to say goodbye to our friends from home, we took them to the Minnesota Children's Museum. The kids and I had been there before, but it was Wade's first time. Everyone had a great time. It is a really neat hands-on museum. I think Maddie and Alex's favorite was the "Once Upon A Time" room. Here you can dress up as princess and play in fairy tales. They both tried on Cinderella's glass slipper (a perfect fit for both) and dressed up as princesses. Of course, the "Neighborhood" room is really neat as well. Here you can cook in a restaurant, drive a bus, and the hands down favorite.....sing and dance on stage. Watch out Grammy's here comes Maddie, Sam and Alex....the next BIG HIT!!!

P.S. That is face paint on Sam's face. You can "paint" your own face at the museum. A hit for the kids who have control of crayons a disaster for a two year old who thinks he can.

We were so sad to see our friends leave. Today (Monday) the kids and I have had Taylor withdrawal. We want to thank Barbara and Alex for making the trek here and thank Scott for keeping the boys so they could come. It was a great much needed break from the hum drum of live in Minnesota. We would love to have other guests.....just let us know when to pick you up from the airport!!!

Since we don't want to leave this post on a sad note, we are leaving it with a film of Sam dancing. Note the he gets his abilities from his Daddy!!

1 comment:

Andy said...

Hi Christa

We miss you guys. Gina left your blog link on my computer, and I was just looking over the past few days. Have you guys been able to find a church? I'll admit that I didn't go digging through the past weeks of blogging to find more info.
Andy Darnell