Monday, June 23, 2008

Face Lift....

If you happened upon our blog this weekend you noticed that it several different face lifts. That is due the fact that I, Christa Sheek, am starting to get Internet savvy. I know, I know, hold on to your hats...but it is true!!! I have figured out how to edit the HTML and add new layouts that aren't provided by blogger, slide shows, etc. If you progger (what I call a pro-blogger) I am sure this is baby stuff to you. However, if you are a newogger (what I call someone new to blogging) it is very exciting to figure stuff out.

So, this weekend I tried out several different layouts. Finding a perfect layout is tough. Obviously we don't need one that has retro women on it or that has a pregnancy calender. We also don't need the kind that have different types of cars, trucks and motorcycles. We aren't Harley fans. I like sports enough, but not enough to have my blog covered in them. Wade nixed a few because they were "too colorful". In my view, bright colors are happy.....and we like happy around here. I found the current layout to be happy without overdoing it. Also, I thought the colors in the blog spot were easy to read. I can't promise, however, that this will be the layout next time you drop in for a visit. I think I will enjoy changing things up ever so often!!

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