Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I get knocked down......

But I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down. But I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down.

You may recognize the lyrics from the song "Tubthumping" by the group Chumbawamba. If I could figure out how to make it play on this blog, I would. Granted there are a few lyrics in the song that I don't endorse or want my children to listen too, but the chorus I find I have been living. (Please don't think I am a Chumbawamba fan. I have no idea if they have even written another song. This one was popular when I was in college. Another point in my life that it felt like I kept "getting knocked down")

It seems for the past two 1/2 weeks I have been getting knocked down at every turn. Everything from the house in GA not selling (as of yet, it is still on the market..and a really great lovely family home if you are interested!!!..had to put a plug in), the oven not working, the vacuum cleaner and I getting into a fight, the various other adventures you have read about, etc. etc.

Recently it wasn't I that was knocked down, but my wallet was knocked out while I was carrying my son kicking and screaming out of a store. It wasn't until we arrived at Target, which was our next stop, that I realized it was gone. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I drove back to the first store. After talking the clerk, nope it wasn't there. Don't worry though, she said, "Ooo (said in the Minnesota long drawn out nasally way) your accent is really sweet". (What do these people think an accent like mine means that it would be sweet? Do they think I come from a huge plantation with white pillars on my porch and the theme from "Gone with the Wind" playing in the background??? Seriously people it is more like the Beverly Hillbillies and not the part when they move to Beverly Hills. - sorry for the side street I just took). So, it was back to check the parking lot and drive slowly back to Target. There at the customer service I left my name, number, and description of my wallet (hello, how many wallets in MN will contain a GA driver's license?). The customer service lady at Target was really nice. Couldn't understand that I was saying I had L-O-S-T my W-A-L-L-E-T. Then again, not real sure how much English she understood at all. Isn't that great, placing someone in customer service that is shaky on their English? Anyhoo, after dragging the kids from place to place, the kids and I got back in the car to figure out Plan B. I told the kids that what we needed was a miracle. So, we prayed. If anyone can find a wallet, it's God. He is the One that sees all, right? Seriously after we prayed, Wade received a phone call from a local McDonald's (keep in mind that I hadn't been to McD's). They had my wallet. The kids and I went to retrieve it. Apparently a lady found it in the parking lot of the first store we were at and took it to the nearest large store, good ol' Micky D's. I had to identify it to prove it was mine. Again, I used the whole, it has a GA driver's license in it. That seemed to work. Guess that don't have many of us "Georgia Peaches" up here.

Almost as serious as the whole "wallet episode" we lost internet last night. Now, that doesn't seem like a big deal to most. It is, though, my one link with the outside world. It keeps me in touch with all the people I know and love. It allows me to communicate with the southern world that understands me and my accent. It allows to read and keep up-to-date with the world outside of PBS Sprout and Nick Jr. It is how I find the parks and activities that keep us sane. Here in Minnesota, it is my lifeline. The problem, we discovered, wasn't the Internet itself...but our laptop is on the brink. I had to love it and speak tenderly to it just to get it turned on this morning. Our laptop is old. It is older than Maddie. It has moved twice. Once was a really long move. It is time for it go to a better place for laptops....but not until we can afford another one.

On another note, please be in prayer for my Uncle Ned. He is my mom's last living "original" family member. Her father passed away before I was born and her mother (my Nanny) passed away a few years ago. Uncle Ned had surgery last Friday that went well. Then, he developed blood clots in both lungs and pneumonia. He is also going to be a grandfather for the first time and to twins in 7 weeks. He really needs to the Lord's touch.

I am going to go while the laptop still loves me so I can find yet another activity for us on yet another day in the Twin Cities.

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