Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We Are Thankful Today......

The kids and I decided to play a game on the way home from the grocery store today. It was rainy, yucky and cold, so I decided to lift our spirits with a game. This game was to name the things the we were thankful for. I started the game with, "I am thankful that the Lord gives us rain for the thirsty plants" (of course the plants here are probably wanting sun as badly as I am). Maddie was thankful that she has her "willy willy comfy closet" to sleep in (if you are with DFACS please disregard that last statement). Sam was thankful he has "ba-ba and pooh" (his paci and pooh blankets he sleeps with). Sam then went on to name every toy that he was thankful for. His turn took the rest of the trip home.

I am finishing up with the game by naming other things that we are thankful for today. Most importantly that the Lord Jesus is the one in control, not me. And that He has a plan for us here (whether we realize what that plan is or not). That He gives peace, comfort and that His love reaches all the way "just south of the Arctic circle" (Minnesota).

Some other things we are thankful for......

1. That we brought jeans and coats with us (60 degrees rainy and windy)

2. That Eden Prairie Center has a soft indoor play area.

3. For new friends (Kim and her 2 sons Colin and Shawn)

4. For Strawberry Shortcake and John Deere Fruit Snacks

5. That LifeFitness has playtime for 2 hours a day per child :)

6. That the apartment has an elevator (very thankful after having to haul two kids up 6 flights from the basement)

7. Internet phones- so that it is a local call from GA to our phone in MN

8. Nap time phone calls from good friends in GA

9. That the Range Rover in the parking space beside ours wasn't there when I pulled in (the van has to fit between a Range Rover and a concrete pole - some of you may remember my other run-ins with poles - I seem to always loose)

10. On ("The Man" - as Maddie calls it) Demand TV reaches all the way "up" here

Recent Conversations heard in the Sheek apartment.

1. Maddie (all bundled up in jeans, coat, and hood) Where'd summer go?
Mommy: Baby, it's still summer.
Maddie: Minnesota sure is strange, Mommy.
Sam: Uh-huh, uh-huh Sosa tange

2. Wade: (to Sam) Where is my big boy?
Sam: Pay'n doll hose (playing doll house)
Wade: What every father wants to hear his son say.

1 comment:

Sharmaine said...

:) I love it! Continue to hang in there. I'm really enjoying reading your posts. I just started pulling them in through RSS, so it's always a treat to see a new one pop up! :)