Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter Shows Her Ugly Head......


Winter Weather Advisory. That is what is on weather.com when you look at our forecast. They have the map covered with such nice colors such as pink and blues and purples. Makes it seem so nice and innocent. But it isn't. You can color it whatever color you want. It still spells ice, snow, and treacherous roads. I am sure the locals aren't fazed. I am sure to them it is just another day in life here.

I am sure most locals aren't quite the weather connoisseurs that I am. I am sure most locals haven't even looked at the weather.

Did you know, I am NOT a local and that I am very fazed by it? Did you know that Wade is out of town and as he was leaving quickly spoke, in a language I am not familiar with, going over how to operate the snow blower? Did you know I haven't the foggiest idea on where the oil versus the gas goes much less how to operate the huge contraption?

Deep breath.

Okay, I can do this. And yes the idea of accumlination of snow while we are "Wade-less" gives me the willies. Hey, don't forget I am southern born and bred. We handle droughts and heat waves with style......snow and ice isn't in our blood. And don't forget, I am still rather new at this whole winter thing.

I'm not running to the store for "milk and bread". Maybe I am acclimating after all.

Maybe just maybe I will have that snow blower up and running all by myself.

Or, maybe just maybe the weather forecast is really wrong and it is going to be 60 degrees and sunny today?

One can always hope, right :)

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