Friday, November 7, 2008

We sure aren't in Georgia anymore.....

This is what we awoke to this morning........

Now, had we been in Georgia (this wouldn't have been the snowy scene out the window) we would have snuggled in for the day after first running to the store for "milk and bread". How you are suppose to really survive a "blizzard" with only milk and bread, I am not sure. Apparently that is all us Southerners need, "milk and bread". Either that, or "milk and bread" is Southern jargon for chips, Coke, popcorn, frozen pizza, etc....what you REALLY see in the carts of people when they are calling for snow. Then again it only snows, in the south, once in a blue moon and you need to celebrate when it does.
Since we weren't in Georgia, the kids and I got all bundled up and went out. Sam had school today. Maddie did not. Don't ask, I don't know why. Sam went to school sporting his coat, hat, gloves and boots. His snow pants were tucked in his backpack. Might I add that we were late getting to school. Hard to get my southern children away from the window long enough to get dressed. Snow is a novelty for them. I have a feeling it won't be that way for long.

While Sam was at school, Maddie and I "Maddie and Mommy Time" for two glorious hours. Maddie is really a neat kid. She has a great sense of humor and LOVES to shop. However, I don't get to spend a lot of time with just her. For her M & M she chose to go MIA at the MOA (I crack myself up sometimes). For you non-locals MOA stands for Mall of America.
First on her list, she wanted to ride a "big girl" ride at the Nickelodeon park. She could only ride 1 ride so it took a while to choose. Finally, she decided on the swings. Not the baby kind of swings, but the real high and fast adult swings. She loved it. She laughed and yelled that it tickled her tummy the whole time. Since swings are my favorite ride, I thoroughly enjoyed myself as well.

After her ride, she wanted to go to "2 Be Friends". This is a place where you can make dolls (it is part of the Build-A-Bear store) and dress them. She has 2 dolls from there, so we decided to get an outfit for her smaller one. She chose a "snow princess" dress for her doll. A quick seat in the "beauty chair" and doll was all ready to go.

Maddie and I really had a great time together. She has been struggling to have a "happy heart and happy face" as I require around here. So, things have been rocky lately. It was nice to do something girly and spend time with her.
After we picked Sam up from school, we met Wade for lunch at the local McDonald's with indoor Play Place. I thought I had wore the kids out......but not so much.
When we came back home the kids decided that "willy wee" had to go outside and play in the snow. So, on went the snow pants, mittens, coats, hats and boots.....and out went the kids. It is a really wet snow, but I think they had fun all the same.

Maddie really wanted to build a snowman. By the time we made it home, most of the snow had melted (of course it is starting to snow again as I type this). We had enough snow for a small snowman. Since this is her first snowman, she thought he was great. Great enough to kiss. Hum, wonder if he was as cold, wet, and clammy to kiss as he was to make?

1 comment:

Trisha said...

You guys are working so hard to make the best of it up there! Keep up the great work. Maddie and Sam are awesome because you and Wade are awesome, so they will make it through the rough stuff with shining colors!!! It was great to catch up on the phone yesterday, too! Thanks for listening and sharing!