Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Ice In"...

A chilly afternoon to you all!

However, I have heard from quite a few sources (LOVE my nap time phone calls from the south) that is quite chilly down south as well. Glad I can share some of the northern weather love with you all.

Do you remember in my second post, I wrote about our first visit to MN sans kids? It was in April and I was so amazed that it was still "ice in". Meaning, the lakes still had ice in them. To the locals there are two ways to classify the year, "ice in" and "ice out". So, it was "ice in" in April.

Well folks, it seems to be that I have witnessed full circle. Though we have only lived here 6 months (can you believe we have been here THAT long, 1/2 a year?) we are back to where we started....."ice in" again.

These are pictures of our pond, again. Now it is totally frozen over and has some left over snow on it. I wouldn't trust it to support a stick, much less a person...yet. But, it is frozen. In November. That means, we have until the end of April/beginning of May to have "ice out". Wow, that's a really long time from now.
According to the neighbors, this is a skating pond in the winter. I promise I will try and take pictures of people skating on it. Those people will not be myself or my family, but people all the same.
Disclaimer: These pictures were taken from my warm and toasty 4 season porch. As much as I love ya'll.....not about to step outside just to take a picture!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have been tagged. See my blog for details. :)