Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I have been tagged.

In the past, when I have been "tagged" I have taken off running after the person that just "tagged" me. However, since I am not playing childish games at the moment (though I was earlier) and I can't run after someone 1,000s of miles away, I suppose it is a different kind of tag.

So, here are the rules: Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog; tell seven random facts about yourself on your blog; tag seven people at the end and link their blogs; let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Since everyone who reads this blog knows me, thinking of 7 random facts isn't all that easy....but I am stuck inside on a frigid winter day. Might as well give it a go, right?

1. In high school, my friend Caroline and I would switch instruments (she played the flute and I played the clarinet) to see if our band director would notice. Yes, I could play the flute (some) and she could play the clarinet (some). Once, we went one whole period before he noticed.

2. I once flushed noodles down the toilet at Olive Garden. It was a total "Christa" moment. I needed to go to the ladies room and had leftovers with me. As I was getting my purse ready and picking up my left over box, I dropped the box. The box hit the floor and broke. My chicken parm and noodles landed with a plop in the toilet. I couldn't leave it for the next person to find (gross). I thought about just flushing the whole mess, but visions of over running toilets flashed through my mind. So, I used the broken box as chop sticks and fished the chicken out of the toilet (without touching anything with my hands). I threw away the chicken in the "feminine product" container (what, like you would have walked out of the stall with dripping chicken between Styrofoam "chop sticks"?) and just flushed the noodles.

3. I love music. Any and all kinds. My kids have to listen to everything from Classical to Country, Christian to marching band music. Right now my favorites are Thistle Hair the Christmas Bear (Alabama) and Breakfast of Tiffany's (Deep Blue Something).

4. My favorite item in my whole house is my Nanny's (I called my grandmother Nanny) china cabinet. I made the movers crate it, so it wouldn't get broken. If I go more than a week without dusting it, I can see the look of disgust that would have been on her face. Her house was always clean as a pin. When I open it, I still think it smells like her house. I know this isn't possible, but I still can smell "Nanny's house" in it. Sometimes, I open it just to remember what her house smelled like. And all the memories that flood open with that smell.

5. I rub my hands together really fast when I get cold. I think I picked this habit up from my mom. I know in my mind that it doesn't make me warmer, but it feels like I am doing something to warm up. Sometimes that is all you feel like you are doing something to warm up.

(Wow, already at 6...this wasn't as hard as I thought)

6. I love to read. Anything and everything (okay not the huge detailed history books that Wade likes...oh yeah and not Tom Clancy). Some of my recent favorites are: anything by John Jakes (historical fiction), anything by Nicholas Sparks, Les Miserables, anything by Jane Austin, and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant series. I know, completely random stuff.

7. I know that I have the best friends in the whole wide world. Friends, that still call at nap time, just because they I know I need someone to talk too. Friends, that I can be apart for a year at a time from and still pick right back up where we left off. Friends, that know me better than I know myself (and know when I REALLY need a milkshake). Friends, that love me even though I am klutzy and random....and even though I moved away.

So, now I guess I need to "tag" people. Can't "tag" 7...because I don't know that many.


1 comment:

Trisha said...

I knew we were meant to know each other...Thistlehair is MY FAVORITE CHRISTMAS SONG EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRRRRRRR! So pitiful - my family groans b/c I play it OVER AND OVER all throughout December!