Friday, November 14, 2008

The Stress of Brown Day

Today was brown day at Maddie's school. This caused quite the stress in the Sheek household. Why would brown day cause stress, you ask? One word. Maddie. Yep, Maddie is the reason for the stress caused over brown day.

You see, for brown day, one MUST (this according to her teachers, not Maddie) wear a brown shirt to school. After the whole forgetting the Turkey incident, I wasn't about to risk a crying child that didn't have on a brown shirt.


Those of you who really know Maddie, my pink loving, hair bow wearing, jewelry accessorizing daughter, understand she doesn't own a brown shirt. Will not wear a brown shirt.


I am sure that pink loving, hair bow wearing, jewelry accessorizing (should I add Southern belle to the list?) daughter would become very emotional (read throw a hissy fit) upon realizing that everyone else in the class was wearing a brown shirt. But, not until she got to school and saw for herself.

Should I mention that I was only told on Wednesday of this "Brown Day"? Should I also mention that brown shirts for girls (that don't make them look 16) are hard to come by?


How did I solve this problem, you ask?

I found (finally) a plain, non low cut, non midriff sweater, without diamonds and jewels, that didn't cost an arm and a leg shirt.

Then, with the help of my trusty embroidery machine, slapped on some "Southern charm". That is, I embroidered Maddie's monogram in bright pink.

Wa-la, happy child with brown and hint of beloved pink shirt.

I might say, going into to school today was SO much easier with her brown shirt on. When the teacher asked "Are you wearing a brown shirt", Maddie proudly answered, "Yes, with just a wittle bit of pink."

Maddie's smile, as she said goodbye, was worth all the STRESS that the stupid brown shirt caused in the first place :)


Anonymous said...

Did I miss the "whole forgetting the Turkey incident", or was it not written about on the blog? Sounds like another great Christa story!

Sharmaine said...

LOL! How cute! I just LOVE reading your posts! By the way, I think I missed the turkey incident, too!