Thursday, November 13, 2008

From the mouth of babes......

Or in this case, from the mouth of Sam.

This was a recent conversation heard between Sam and myself. I will not tell you that this conversation, as do most of our important ones, occurred while he was on the potty.

Sam: What's your "dame" (name)?
Mommy: Mommy. What's your name?
Sam: Sam. Mommy you has "tipes" (stripes).
Mommy: (confused) I have stripes?
Sam: (pointing to my forehead) Right "dere" (here) you has nice "tipes".
Mommy: Sam, those aren't stripes...there called expression lines. ( trying to make a great reasonable argument for having stripes on my head) There caused by Mommy making lots of expressions with her face. (giving Sam one of my best expressions so he can see what I mean)
Sam: I "willy wee wike" (really like) your "tipes". Can I have "tipes" too?

Then Sam proceeded to furrow his brow and roll up his eyes. I guess he was trying to make those wonderful stripes on his forehead as well.

My mom ("hi mom, love you") will tell you that my expression lines are the result of rolling my eyes at people, sayings, traffic, fussy kids, etc my whole life. I say they are a result of being able to use my facial expressions to better tell stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tabitha has just started rolling her eyes, so I guess she's working on getting her "tipes" too! (The frustrating part- -she's rolling them at me!)