Friday, September 26, 2008

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho.....

It's off to Disney we go.
We'll walk all day,
and play and play.
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

We are leaving tomorrow for a week of fun at Walt Disney World. The kids are excited. I am excited. Wade will get excited, he has's contagious. Can't help it. When your kids are giddy, you end up giddy as well. It is a long awaited and long needed vacation. Don't worry, I am taking my camera and will have tons of pictures to share.

Thanks to all who have given me Disney advice (Erin and Barbara) and a HUGE thank you goes to Kim who is taking care of Emma for us while we are gone.

I feel the "magic" all the way up here!!!!


Ellen and John said...

I hope ya'll have a ton of fun. Tell Maddie that Molly is going to Disney World in October and she is so excited as well. I'm glad that things are starting to get better for ya'll. Have fun!!!

SMS said...

Why am I such a moron?!?!?!? I didn't notice you had a blog when you were commenting on mine!!!!!!! Not only that but you have had one since APRIL.. APRIL!!!!! Ellen mentioned something you had written yesterday and I was all "She has a what!??!" I am officially the biggest idiot on the planet. Not to mention an insensitive idiot for not sending you happy birthday wishes oh.. two weeks ago!! Please forgive!!! I hope you don't mind but I am going to put a link on my site to yours - love your blog!! Sorry I am such a blind maroon. Hope you guys have a blast at Disney! Much love :)