Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to my "Big Boy"...

On Sunday, my "baby" boy turned 3. I guess, when you are 3 you aren't a "baby" anymore. In my eyes, he will always be my "baby boy".

His morning started off great. Nothing like snuggling on the couch and watching T.B. (TV) with Daddy. Don't tell Sam, it's Daddy's way of catching a few more Zzzs before church.

Maddie wasn't ready to get her day started either.

After naps, Sam opened his presents. This was Wade's hope for being able to watch the Super Bowl.....new toys = entertained kids. In reality new toys = needing Daddy to play too.

Maddie was really good about being happy for Sam. It is hard when you aren't the one getting all the presents and attention.

Grandma and Papa sent a box full of goodies. In the box was books, puzzles, dinosaurs and stickers. Thanks Grandma and Papa (and Bucky too)!

Sam also received presents in the mail from his buddies Alex, Matt and Josh Taylor. Thanks so much for the "G-o-Tax" (GeoTrax) and the warm sweatshirt. He loved them both!!

After Sam opened his presents from us, he had to wait for his "big surprise". Here he is on the stairs. If you look, you can see his eyes peaking from between his fingers. He is sneaky like that.

YEAH!! A Pirate Ship, Argh Mate's. This ship you can "steer", shoot cannons, and "bite" (fight) off other pirates. It was a HUGE hit for my pirate boy.

After presents it was supper time. Each year, the kids get to choose what they want for their "special" dinner. This year, Sam wanted pizza. We didn't argue. Papa John's to the rescue. Luckily Sam can tolerate some cheese this year.

Once we were done with pizza it was time for cupcakes and candles. Sam chose some lovely football ones. Nice that his birthday is always around Super Bowl time, huh?

What more could a pirate want? Cupcakes and the Super Bowl. Ahh, this is the life.


Sharmaine said...

Wow! So hard to believe. So why couldn't he tolerate cheese last year?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sam!!! I love Maddie's Tink jammies...they look like the same ones that Alex has.