Thursday, February 19, 2009

Catchin' Up

Dear Friends-

I am so sorry I have been so long in posting. I didn't realize how many people actually read my blog till the emails started arriving...wondering where I had been.

I have been here, in the "frozen tundra" near the "Artic Circle". But life and other things have happened and kept me from posting. But I am back and will catch you up on all that we have been up to.

February is a busy month for us. Sam turned "3" on February 1st and Maddie turned "5" on the 13th. We also had a joint birthday party for them. We are so blessed that Ga-Ga was able to brave the cold and join us. Actually, she brought the warmest weather we have had since Thanksgiving with her.

So read the following and catch up on all the "Blurbs from the Burbs".

Love to you all.....near and far!

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