Thursday, December 4, 2008

I refuse to look at the Weather Channel

Why you ask? Because the temperatures scare me. Highs in the the single digits with the wind chill 0 or below, don't fare well with this southern bred girl.

Apparently we have entered the season of snow. We have snow here as much as we had rain back home. Guess it makes sense with the temperatures and everything. However, I am not used to having everything (including the roads) winter white.

Speaking of the roads, yesterday was my first "real" adventure driving on snow. It has snowed here before, but luckily Wade was around to do the driving. Yesterday, however, Maddie had to be at school early for a field trip and Wade just "had" to go to work. That left me. Me, two kids, and a mini van.

Now, I have always heard that the roads were kept "clear" here in the winter. So I started off the trip very optimistic. Until I noticed the road was still completely covered in snow. Still, Maddie had to get to school so I threw the kids in and made sure they were extra snug in their car seats. With a prayer we started off.

I tried my breaks on our road, where I knew I couldn't hit anything, and slid. The kids thought it was so fun and were screaming to "do it again". Um, kiddos....don't think so. Well, at least not on purpose.

It took us forever to get to school. And no, it wasn't all my slow driving (though that did add to the time). Everyone was driving slow since even the bigger roads had snow and ice. The whole time (with my white knuckles on the steering wheel) I was muttering under my breath "And everyone brags about how clear the roads are kept. I'd like to see a clear road."

Twenty minutes later (what should have taken 6-10mins) we arrived at school. Only to find the parking lot covered as well. We parked the van, in what seemed like a parking spot, and slipped and slid our way into school. Maddie wasn't late and I knew Sam and I could figure a way back out of the parking lot later.

I guess it was a successful first driving experience. My friend, Kim, keeps telling me I will get used to it. She has never commented on whether I will ever like it or not. So far, I am not a fan of the cramping hands and tight shoulders I end up with. It comes from all that hunching over the steering wheel (since that does so much good) and gripping to white knuckles (again that does so much better than just holding the steering wheel normally).

The kids and I are off on another adventure today. I am sure it will take us twice as long to get to MOPS this morning as it should. Since it "flurried" again last night. So glad they keep the roads "clear" here :)


SMS said...

I remember my first snow driving experience in NJ. It does get easier but I think my knuckles were always at least pink :) Hang in there! You will be an expert in no time. It wasn't long before I was confidently going down the NJ Parkway to work etc. Wish I was closer I would invite you over for hot chocolate and fresh cookies :) Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

It will get better; what about getting some "toe picks" (ie: The Cutting Edge movie) for the front of the car or tires. :)
