Friday, October 17, 2008

Forever A Mommy

This is going to be a post about Maddie. Rarely do I separate my kids when I do posts.....but this time is different.

Maddie and I have a ritual at bed time. It goes like this.

Mommy: I love you to the moon and back....

Maddie: .....and all the way past the stars.

Mommy: Do you know that God and Mommy/Daddy love you very much? Do you know that you can be anything? Do you know that you are special and one of a kind? Do you know that you are smart and beautiful? Do you know I am proud of you?

Maddie: Of course.

Since the move, Maddie has been more of a "Mommy" person. If I am not home to put her to bed, she makes me promise to come in, hug and kiss her when I get home. Of course, she never remembers that I do this (and I really do). It makes for an interesting next morning, with Maddie waking up accusing me of not kissing her.
What I really wanted to write about (but became side tracked.....imagine that) is a conversation that Maddie and I had the other night as I was putting her to bed. The whole conversation came about because of Peter Pan.
Maddie was worried that she was going to grow up "wil-wee soon" and that I wouldn't be her mom (doesn't that just break your heart?). Since Wendy had to grow up, Maddie thought she did too and that it happened suddenly. Somehow the whole Peter Pan and the Lost Boys not having a mother became interfused with Wendy growing up.
I explained to Maddie that I be her Mommy "as long as I can" (since I can't promise her that I will always be here). I went on to explain that Ga-Ga was still my mommy even though I am grown up, Grandma is daddy's mommy, etc.
I thought I was getting off easy and that was the end of it........well, I was wrong. Like all conversation with Maddie she had more questions
Maddie: Mommy, what will Ga-Ga be when she grows up?
Mommy: Ga-Ga is already grown up.
Maddie: No, what will Ga-Ga be when I am grown up and you are a Ga-Ga?
Mommy: Well, I guess she will be a Mam-Maw (Wade's grandmother, Maddie's great grandmother is called this) or a Grandmother Harrell (What she calls my grandmother).
Maddie: Oh. What will Grandma be when I am grown up and you are a Ga-Ga?
Mommy: She will be a Mam-Maw too.
Maddie: (thinking this over while snuggled in bed with all THREE...another story for another day.... lambs) Do you know what you will be when I am a Mam-Maw?
Mommy: (shuddering at the thought of how old I will be then...) No, Maddie I have no idea.
Maddie: An Angel. Night Night Mommy, love you.
My conversation with Maddie made me start to think. If something happens and I become and angel before Maddie is a Mam-Maw I hope that the Lord allows me a peak down at my babies once in a while. I would like to be a Mommy forever, whether I am here on Earth or sing praises to my Lord in heaven.

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