Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An up and coming politician?

Or just normal dinner table banter....you decide.

Mommy: Sam, let me see you take a big boy bite (of your dinner).

Sam (waving his fork in the air): Yummy Mommy. I wil-wee wike dis (I really like this). Dis is so yummy.

Daddy: Sam, you need to eat.

Sam (putting his fork to his mouth without any food on it): Tank to (thank you), Mommy. Tank to for this yummy food.

Mommy and Daddy: Sam, eat.

Wade claimed he was just like a politician...claiming it was the best meal he had ever had....even going through the motions, but never actually taking a bite. This scene ended up with Sam being in timeout several times and missing out on the playing of "Elefun" (a game that Maddie got for Christmas) with Maddie and I. I guess he is just as stubborn as a politician as well.

Though I try to connect most of the kids interesting moments, like this, to Wade (no offense Grandma and Papa...all done in fun). I will have to take full responsibility for this antic being from the more political Harrell side of the family. And if you ask my parents, the stubbornness comes directly from me and me only.


In other weather related news.....the forecasted wind chill on Thursday morning.....a balmy -40. Try blaming that on global warming!!

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