Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sorry to be gone so long.....

Hello All-

We hope that you had a blessed Christmas filled with love, laughter, family, and remembering the real reason for the season, Jesus birth. I know that we did. The kids and I spent almost two weeks in North Carolina. Wade had to work, but joined us on the 23rd. Lesson learned NEVER EVER fly through Chicago in the winter. Wade had a lot of trouble getting out, but he finally made it down south.

Oh, how we enjoyed familiar places and faces of those who love us (southern accent or not). Of course, being able to go outside without a coat on wasn't too bad either :) The kids soaked in as much Grandparent time as possible and really enjoyed playing with their cousins (and meeting new ones). I was able to meet up with old friends, Lori and Caroline. How nice to be able to pick up right where you left off, even after long absences. Of course, I offered an extended invitation for both to visit......so far, no takers (not that I would come to MN, in the winter, if I didn't have too).

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post (and even more sorry that there aren't any pictures from Christmas up yet...I'm tryin', mom!). I have been swamped trying to unpack and settle back in here. That was complicated by my coming down with a UTI....wouldn't recommend flying from CLT to MN with one.

Of course these are all excuses for my lack of blogging. The real reason I haven't blogged until till now is that I wasn't ready to admit that I was really back. Yes, I know the snow and cold weather that hit us as we left the airport should have been a reality check. But I wanted to pretend that we weren't back for good.

As hard as it was to leave to come here last May....I think it was even harder to come back after Christmas. I knew what I was coming back too, I knew of the frigid cold, constant snow and slush and salt everywhere. There wasn't any romantic ideas about what life in the winter would be like. I knew that life wasn't like a Currier and Ives painting. I had lived the below zero temps and having to drive Maddie to school in the snow. Truth be told, I wasn't excited about coming back. I tried to soak in as much as that southern sun as I could.

But you know what, God had His hand on us coming back. I really believe that He tried to make this return as easy as possible for us (okay UTI aside that is). I know my God, who knows everything, knew how heart broken I was to board that plane and how, with every passing mile with every snow covered landscape we flew over, my heart broke even more. He knew the loneliness I have felt here. He knew the hardships that cold weather brings. You see, when we pulled up to our home we had Wade's snow pants (thanks mom and dad) out ready. We knew we (read Wade) would have to shovel to get in our garage. We're no dummies.....Wade had been gone over a week and had to snow blow his way out.

When we arrived, we didn't arrive to inches upon inches of snow on the drive. We arrived to a freshly shoveled drive and side walk. Our friends, Micah, Kim and their boys had come over earlier in the day to shovel for us. They took time out of their vacation to make sure our coming home was a little easier. Knowing that we do have friends, we do have people that care here started piecing my heart back together. Don't get me wrong, I am still "homesick" and still adjusting to being back....but I know we're going to make it.

We have been busy since we have been back. We flew in on New Year's Eve. Wade was the only one of us that stayed up to bring in the New Year. On New Year's Day, we opened the our presents that we had left here. We had a great lazy family day. Maddie started back to school, yesterday. Today we toured the preschool that we are going to send Sam too next year. I have been on the phone figuring out preschools and getting Maddie registered for (big gulp) Kindergarten. Come to find out she should have already been tested (like years ago), but since we didn't live here we didn't know....oh well.

Oh, we also booked the kids birthday party. We are going to have a "together" party for them again this year. After looking at several options, the kids decided they wanted to have it at the Nature Center. You may recall all the trips and photos we took over the summer to the Nature Center. For birthday parties, they have a naturalist teach the kids about animal footprints. Then, the kids and naturalist go into the woods and track animals in the snow. Only in Minnesota can you trek through the snowy woods for your birthday, huh? Also the kids can choose one of the resident animals at the Nature Center to come to their party. I think it is a fitting "welcome to Minnesota" party. Might as well enjoy what we can about Minnesota.

Speaking of enjoying Minnesota, Maddie starts ice skating lessons on Wednesday. I find this very humorous. Those of you who know how klutzy I am, are cracking a smile at this too. The description said that she would learn how to stand and fall. I figured she had at least half what she would learn already accomplished....I am sure she can fall. Without a doubt in my mind I know she will be successful at that. That is why she will be wearing her bike helmet (a requirement, not my idea) while she is doing this. Watch out Michelle Kwan.....here comes Maddie.

We are looking forward to seeing what 2009 brings. 2008 was a year of huge changes and challenges. As Wade and I said, after a church sermon about decisions people are faced with and how to decide what is the best Godly answer, we are living our decision. We are hoping 2009 is more settled and calm.

I promise, Christmas pictures to come. We love you all, those near and those far!

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Glad to be connected and hope you are adjusting to the new scenery. Hope you guys had a good Christmas and Happy New Year.