Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today's Weather Report

I have heard, from many of you, that tracking the weather in Minnesota has become like a hobby. It is amazing how many people tell myself or my mom that they have started watching to see what the weather in Minnesota is. We appreciate knowing that so many people care about our well being and are interested in our lives on the "frozen tundra".

To save you having to look up the weather....just thought I would share. Currently (according to the weather channel) it is -20 but don't worry with the wind chill makes it feels like -30. The high today may or may not reach -1. That my friends, is rather chilly.

The funny thing....life doesn't stop for cold weather, snow or wind chills. The kids and I will still bundle up to head off to bible study. We also need to run and get some milk from the store. I was afraid to chance it yesterday because of the snow and the road conditions. Hey, I still can claim "just moved here" as the reason for my hesitation driving on the snow.

Hope that you are warm and cozy no matter where you are!!

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