Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This is my "mother's bracelet". It is one of my most prized possessions. I wear this, with pride, daily. It has the names of all my children and their birthstones on it. You may notice that there are more birthstones than names. Yes, your math is correct....one of our children went to heaven before we had a name for them. But, they are honored with the birthstone of the month they were due in.
My bracelet is a constant reminder of why my job is so important. Though it lacks in the financial pay department and it's vacation policy stinks, it's benefits are overwhelming. However, sometimes I get tired. And sometimes I get overwhelmed with life. And sometimes, I forget what all I have to be thankful for.
I look down at my bracelet and remember.
Maddie, Jackson and Sam.
Blue birthstone for precious baby waiting me in heaven.
That is what I have to be thankful for. No matter the ups and downs. No matter the tears and smiles. No matter the laundry and crunched cereal under foot. No matter how much projectile spit up lands in my basket of clean clothes.....Those children. My babies is why I am thankful and so lucky.
Motherhood allows me to be a kid. Seriously, only a mother can actually climb and play in the play structures at the park and not look like a bloomin' idiot. Oh wait, what is that you say? I do look like a bloomin' idiot. Probably. Let me rephrase....only motherhood allows me to NOT care that I look like a bloomin' idiot while playing with my kids.
Only motherhood allows for bedtime books that bring back fond memories of years past by. Little House on the Prairie, anyone? Ramona Quimbly?
Only motherhood allows for sweet kisses (that certain boys always wipe off) and precious snuggles (that sometimes leave you with the perfume of spit up lingering behind).
Only motherhood allows me to be the greatest thing EVER in the eyes of my 3 darlin's. All I have to do is pop some popcorn and presto....my "cool" status has returned.
Motherhood allows me to swell with pride at even the smallest accomplishments. Maddie learning how to read and actually reading a book to Sam and Jackson. Sam being such a sweet big brother to Jackson and actually getting the burp cloth to wipe the spit up off of him without gagging. Jackson's sweet smiles and coos that follow a no nap day when I am plum worn out.
With motherhood comes a certain responsibility. Little one's egos and self esteem are so fragile. They look to me for encouragement and excitement for their projects. And I have to be so careful to give each project- be it a painting of a "funny lookin' shark" done for Sam's fall picture or a carefully crafted long bragged about piece of pottery- the praise that is sought after. Even when the piece of pottery comes home looking like.....well.....something out of Jackson's diaper.
Being a mother means even proudly displaying pottery that reminds you of "business" that you wipe up day in and day out. So, next time you are in my house....look for my newest decoration that I get to inwardly chuckle at when things are going awry.
Being a mother means getting to love on these precious little ones........

Note: Maddie is also my precious little one, but she was at school when I took these pictures. Don't want you to think that her pottery made me not want to take her picture :)


Sharmaine said...

Love this post!!