Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And Life Goes On.....

I have never in my life (emphasis on the word never and life....that's the State Road way of saying it) seen so much laundry caused by someone so small. My life seemed to revolve around the washer and dryer before Jackson entered the picture. Now, I think I spend more time folding clothes, putting up clothes, and washing clothes than any normal person should. Then again, I never claimed to be normal did I?

Hard to believe that tomorrow J will be 2 months old. Seriously he should be walking and talking by now. It has been the longest most stressful 2 months of my life. Seems 'bout right seeing that his pregnancy was the longest pregnancy EVER. I was pregnant for about 10 years, right? This little sweet boy is bent on causing me an ulcer....wait a minute already had one of those.

He seems all sweet and innocent doesn't he? Hum....wondering what he is plotting next? Already pulled the ER visit, surgery and hospital stay on us. Getting choked while spitting up through his nose? Yep. Getting choked to the point of not being able to breathe? Check! Completely drenching the sweet friend who wanted to hold him at MOPS? Check, Check.
As long as he doesn't convince his brother Sam to do something like run a temp of 103 on a day when I had to teach book club at Maddie's school.....oh wait, that happened too. Wade had to work from home that day so that Sam could go to the doctor at the same time Jackson and I taught book club. I'm good at juggling things, but even I haven't figured out how to be 2 places at once.

Huh, what is all this talk about me causing trouble, Mama? Look at me, how could I do anything like that?

Ha, Ha....got 'em all fooled don't I? Just when things are starting to settle down.....that's when I like to work my magic and get everyone excited again. Found out that spitting up through your nose and choking in the middle of the night lands you right in bed on Mama. And that, my friends, is where the best sleeping EVER occurs....all part of my master plan.

Sam and Jackson are going to make the perfect partners on crime. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that Sam was given to me to make me laugh. If I only had the guts to share the stories about Sam lately on this blog. I can't bring myself to do it for fear of utter embarrassment when he is older. Let's just say it revolves around his curiosity with my pump.
However, I can share that his new song of choice to sing at school is "Hard Day's Night." Yep, nothing like your 4 year old belting out, while "juking" to, Beetles' songs at his CHURCH preschool. While I'm at it, I can share that his teachers are so amused by his playing is air "ma-tar" during music they have to tell me about it.

While Sam is my stand up comedian, Maddie is my princess (read DRAMA queen). Everything that happens, be it having to get up for school or not knowing a word while reading, is the most horrible thing ever and needs lots of tears to go with it. She is, however, WONDERFUL with Jackson. She is so sweet to him and is a huge help. I can't quite convince her to change a diaper yet and the sight of his spit up sends her running...

It is a crazy life with 3 living in the thawed by still chilly tundra, but I wouldn't change a thing. I am truly blessed to have these three crazy nuts in my life. Even though Jackson has only been a part of the family for 2 months, he fits in so well that is seems like he has been here all along. Now if I can only find out how to rid my hair of spit up smell before my meeting tonight life would be perfect :)

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