Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maddie and Sam are going to be older siblings to a....

.....precious little boy!!
Here is a 3-D picture of little baby Sheek with his arm up beside him.
In this picture you can see his legs crossed at the ankles.....very proper!
Here is a regular ultrasound picture of baby boy!


Or a "real boy", as Sam calls him. Sam was in awe that there was a "real boy" in Mommy's belly. He kept asking the ultrasound tech, "It's wil-wee a real boy?".

Sam also kept rubbing it in that he was right about the baby being a boy. I didn't hear him, but apparently he kept telling Maddie, "I told you, I told you it's a boy."

Great, something else for them to argue to about. Sigh....and the sibling rivalry continues.

The ultrasound looked great. The things that mattered most to Wade and I were all there....4 chamber heart, brain, kidneys, bladder, spine....etc. Though I was sure we were having a girl, I am just thankful the baby is healthy and big. He is measuring a week to a week and 1/2 bigger than he is suppose to be.....can we say hello another LARGE baby. He is already following in big brother Sam's foot steps.

We don't have name yet. We are horrible at agreeing on boy names. If you ask Sam, his name will be "Capt'n Hook". Don't worry, though Sam may call him that.....something different will be written on the birth certificate!!!!


SMS said...

Hurrah!!!! I was in Target yesterday and got all teary eyed looking at all the adorable little boy sleepers. Congratulations to you guys again!

Kim said...

I am so glad the baby is thriving! Hopefully Maddie doesn't mind it isn't a girl. Congrats again!

Trisha said...

What wonderful news! Keep up the awesome job taking care of him and your family, and don't forget to take care of yourself! Thinking of you and remembering you in my prayers!