Thursday, July 30, 2009


I thought I knew what it meant to be homesick. I thought what I had been feeling for over a year WAS homesickness. Come to find was only a touch of homesickness.

I received a phone call over a week ago that caused me to know what REAL homesickness is. It was the kind of call that you have to sit down for. You just can't take standing up because you don't trust that your legs will hold you up.

You see, I received the call that my daddy has cancer. I find it hard to believe even as I type the word. Cancer. More specifically he has prostate cancer. My granddaddy had it and my uncle. Guess it runs in the family.

Hearing the words that your Daddy has cancer and not being able to go immediately home, has to be one of the worst feelings ever. Ranks right up there with "Willie's (my Nanny) gone" and "You have lost the baby."

We were finally able to work it out that the kids and I will be in NC for his surgery. Takes a bit of finagling to get childcare, rides to the airport, etc when you are 1,158.9 miles away. So to all of those that have made my coming home possible, I can't thank you enough.

Most of you that read my blog personally know my Daddy. If you don't, you are missing knowing a great man. He is the kind of man that would pick you up wearing his sweats, camo jacket, and cowboy boots and not care, fix your teeth at odd hours, help you clean out the rabbit cage...even when he knows it was your job you hated it, drive at all hours of the night to pick up his homesick daughter when she was a child, and dance to your "special" ,though not widely used, song at your wedding.

He is a true blue Carolina fan. He didn't miss a home UNC football game from 97-01 (funny that's the same years I was there). You could always pick his voice out as he yelled "Go Clarinets" while the band marched to the stadium. Seriously what MAN do you know that would actually cheer on the band?!?

He even changed his allegiance from his Alma Mater and where he played football, Elkin High School, to the rival high school, Starmount, during the years of 96-97. After my graduation he promptly changed them back.

He has driven all over Western NC for band competitions and swim meets. He never gets upset even when you tell him the wrong place said competition was to take place.

He has been known to ride an ol' barrel horse at full gallop through the field, perform a cartwheel in the most random places, put seaweed on for a hat, and pose for pictures with random statues..........just to make people laugh.

If you ask my kids, he can build an awesome "pool" in the sand at the beach, can teach anyone to ride a boogie board, and will even loose his glasses if it means keeping a grand kid from being drug under by a wave. According to Maddie and Sam he can read books the best of anyone, no one can touch his ability to play "Playmobile", and runs beside Strawberry, while they trot, faster than anyone.

But most importantly, my Daddy loves the Lord more than anyone I know. He has spent his life trying to serve others and spread the love of Christ. My Daddy doesn't just take anyone's word about what the bible says, but studies it and finds out for himself. He knows more scripture and is able to apply it to everyday life. If I only knew a fraction of what my Daddy know about God, then I would be "sitting pretty," as they say down south.

So, would you do a favor for me? Would stand with me in prayer that this cancer be contained and easily removed, that the surgeon's hands be guided by the One true Surgeon, and that recovery be as quick and painless as possible? I have been taught by my Daddy and learned though life that prayer works.......even if we don't always see it here on Earth.

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