Monday, June 15, 2009

Princess Dance Camp Preformance

Last week, Maddie was in a Princess Dance Camp at Prairie School of Dance. If you live in the frozen tundra, I highly recommend this Dance School. I was SO impressed with the teachers. They worked so well with the kids and had a very organized program. They had actually taught the kids a tap routine in just one week.

Of course, Maddie LOVED it. She decided to take ballet this fall. I tried to talk her into taking tap because she did a great job and was able to follow the beat with her feet. That and she looks so darn cute as a tap dancer........

No matter how much I tried to push her to tap, her heart is in ballet. She loves everything about ballet. She loves the pink shoes, how she gets to use a bar and watch herself in a mirror, and how she can "move yike a princess". What more could a girl want?

And the fact that she got a princess tiara at the end of class helped sealed the deal.....Yep looks like ballet is in our future!!!

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