Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You've come a long way, baby....

Today I sent my baby girl off into the great unknown that is Kindergarten. To think that she is old enough to attend school is a scary thought. It forces me to reflect on how fast time has gone. Surely she was just born yesterday, right?!?!

I am sure that just yesterday she was the drama queen baby that was kicked out of the hospital nursery for crying too much.

Really, just yesterday she was named "Spit Up Queen" due to her incredible distance she could project her formula.

I am quite sure that yesterday she learned to crawl.

While in real life, yesterday she was my nervous little five year old. Scared of what Kindergarten held. Frightened she wouldn't have a friend or find her way to her classroom.

And today......

Well, today she knows there is nothing to worry about.

Today, she conquered Kindergarten.

And tomorrow.......tomorrow holds endless possibility.
We love you Maddie and we are so proud of you!!!!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

WOW! What an adorable, sweet, kind-hearted Kindergartener you have raised! She will be AWESOME and her teacher is VERY lucky to have the opportunity to work with her! I was thinking of you today!